ISA Welcomes Algeria as Member Nation
With more than 1,100 miles of spectacular coastline washed by the Mediterranean Sea, Algeria offers plenty of territory for surfers to explore. Currently, surfing is still in its infancy in Algeria, with most of the organized activity taking place in the seaside town of Annaba where the Djazair Surf Club is located, but that may very well change now that Algeria has been listed as the 85th Member Nation of the International Surfing Association (ISA). Algeria joins twelve other ISA member nations in Africa, a number that may increase as the ISA, which celebrates its 50th anniversary this year, continues to search out exciting surfing destinations.
The Djazair Surf Club was formed in 1999, in one of the best surfing spots along Algeria’s coastline – Annaba. With swell driven by the Mistral wind, the surfing conditions along the Mediterranean coast at Annaba can be impressive. In 2009, a group of surfers exploring new territories visited Annaba and spread the word in Europe that this was a destination worth visiting. In 2011, the first official surf event took place in Algeria with the assistance of French surf club Surfeurs Solidaires. In 2012, the Djazzir Surf Club began giving surf lessons and in 2013 surfing in Annaba received some coverage on French television, as well as in print and online media devoted to the sport.
In a speech welcoming Algeria as a Member Nation, ISA President Fernando Aguerre noted that Algeria has some of the “most amazing, uncrowded waves in the world”, going on to say that the local surfing community, and the Djazair Surf Club, represents “grass roots efforts that still exist in the surfing world”. Aguerre also pointed out that the surfing community in Algeria serves as a reminder that surfing is a sport that develops around communities, and Africa is seeing an emergence of surfing as a sport and the growth of “community-minded surf tourism“.
Surfers planning to head to Algeria to test the waves may want to take note that November and December are considered to be the best months for surfing due to the Mistral northerly winds blowing across the Mediterranean, but superb surfing is not restricted to these months.