List your travel related business or establishment on
Established in 1995, was one of the first web sites devoted exclusively to Algeria and has been continuously owned by the same company. Throughout our history, has been among the most popular web sites about Algeria. Each year we attract hundreds of thousands of visitors.
Why Be Listed on the Directory?
Each day thousands of visitors and consumers come to to research and compare prices for travel services relating to hotels, dining, lodging, area guides, recreation, and travel related activities.What is Unique About
One of the unique characteristics of is the power of our brand and its universal appeal to highly targeted audiences of travelers and people interested in visiting Algeria. Unlike other travel sites, has a ten-year track record of delivering a focused marketplace of ready, willing and able consumers and highly targeted audiences interested in travel, hospitality, accommodations, entertainment, local activities, and attractions in Algeria.
What Businesses Can Appear on
You must be the owner, proprietor or representative of a travel-related business in Algeria providing travel or hospitality services such as hotels, restaurants, tour operators, boat charters, shops, theaters, sporting venues and airlines.
What Types of Listings Are Available?
There are two types of busineses listings: A Free Service and a Premium Service.
Free Service. The free service allows the business establishment to appear in the directory based upon its business category. A form is required to be complerted so we can verify that the business meets our review and quality standards.
Premium Service. This service is commission free- that is, there are NO COMMISSIONS OR FEES paid to us. The only costs to the merchant is an annual fee paid to With the the Premium Service, the merchant works directly with its customers that originate from our site. The Premium Service enables merchants to create an online profile and detailled description of their business, upload photos, and post customer reviews.
What Do I Get When Buying a Premium Listing? has years of experience working with advertisers and has delivered consistent and quantifiable results for companies catering to both business and leisure travelers. As part of our Premium Service we deliver:
Analytical Services: possesses historical, non-public data in the form of analytical metrics and case studies that may help us assist you with creating targeted and effective marketing campaigns in the quantity, frequency and duration desired.
Reporting Services: As part of each advertising or sponsorship campaign, we offer access to free online real time data, demographic and key statistical reporting tools.
How Do I Add My Business Establishment to the Directory?
If you would like your business or establishment to be considered for inclusion in the business directory, then you will need to complete our online form.
Only one business listing per business establishment or travel business on the free service. We reserve the right to disapprove, remove or decline, without recourse by the listing entity, any application for any reason that we may deem necessary. Travel agencies, booking sites (such as Kayak, Expedia) affiliate programs, lead-gen programs, and other similar businesses shall not be eligible for the directory but maybe wish to be considered as an advertiser. Any decision on whether to accept any business into the Directory shall be at our sole and absolute discretion.