Carole Samaha to Perform at Talent Show
The Star Academy reality show was banned from Algeria, but as this is one of the most popular shows in the Arab World, Algeria has decided to broadcast an Islamic adaptation of the show. The Ministry of Religious Affairs and the Algerian TV have worked together to find a balance with regard to the show, and at the end of October, Alhan Wa Shabab, meaning Rhythms and Youth, will begin. To make the show even more exciting, a special guest artist has been invited to perform at the premier.
Star Academy is the Arab equivalent of Idols, and is a reality show that gives talented youth the opportunity to perform in front of a live audience and thousands of television viewers, while having their performances judged and voted for by the public. This successful television show is aired in more than fifty countries, with thousands of hopefuls entering in the hopes of making it onto the star pop music talent show being broadcast at present. Of the twenty five thousand youths that auditioned for the Alhan Wa Shabab talent show, twenty five have been selected as contestants and on the 28th of October 2008, the Lebanese artist, Carole Samaha will arrive in Algeria to attend press conferences, before performing at the opening of the show.
Carole Samaha is a well known musician who has not only received numerous awards for her music, but has a masters degree in directing as well as acting and does work as an actress in her spare time. She released her first album Helm (A Dream) in 2003, which was followed by Ana Hurra (I’m Free) in 2004 and Adhwaa El Shohra (Lights of Fame) in 2006. Helm, her first album, earned her the Best Female Artists of the Year award at the Arab Music Awards Contest, and Adhwaa El Shohra, was given the Best Album of the Year award at the ART Music Awards. She recently released a new single, named Jeet, which has already reached number one of the Rotana’s PEPSI Top 20 Chart.
The premier of the Alhan Wa Shabab will take place in the Oval Hall, and with Carole Samaha as the guests artist, and it is gearing up to be a night to remember. While twenty five contestants get ready of the talent show of a lifetime, Samaha will be reminding them that the work and effort is worth it, as she fills the Oval Hall with song.